Annual report


Owner and Chairman

«Neither we nor anyone else really knew what had actually hit us in March last year. We were just as unprepared as everyone else, although we felt pretty certain that we had the right people in place.»

Click here to see this years interview, where Johan H. Andresen shares his thoughts on the year 2020.

2020 – An unprecedented year

Johan H. Andresen, Owner and Chairman

41.2 bn.nok

Ferd´s total value-adjusted equity

  • Value-adjusted equity
  • Return on equity %
  • Liquidity

Balances on the group cash pool, money market fund, listed shares and liquid hedge funds

Letter from the CEO

“Our role as an active and long-term owner has never felt more meaningful than in 2020.”

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Morten Borge, CEO

Summary of Ferd's results for 2020

Ferd’s value-adjusted equity at the close of 2020 has been provisionally calculated to be NOK 41.1 billion (NOK 35.0 billion at 31 December 2019). The return on value-adjusted equity for Ferd was 17.8% in 2020, which represents a very strong performance for Ferd in a unique year that was defined by the coronavirus pandemic.

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